PsL Monthly 1997 December
PSL Volume 5 Number 12.iso
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739 lines
ADALRM32.ZIP 41312 04-20-97 TAdrockAlarmList (32-bit) 2.10 allows you to
| set an unlimited number of alarms each of
| which can have a very flexible format. The
| format can contain wildcards using the ? to
| match any position. (Adrock Software)
| (Reg.Fee: $15)
ADDIAL32.ZIP 61610 04-20-97 TAdrockMessageDialog (32-bit) 1.40 provides
| additional functions to the standard Delphi
| routines ShowMessage and MessageDlg,
| including any default button, an auto-wait
| timer for the dialog, the ability to play
| sounds, auto change and restore mouse
| pointer, and more. (Adrock Software)
| (Reg.Fee: $15)
ADFIND32.ZIP 42207 04-20-97 TAdrockSourceSearcher (32-bit) 1.10 is an
| expert that is accessed through the Help menu
| of Delphi that allows you to search through
| the current Delphi Project for text in all of
| the PAS files. (Adrock Software) (Reg.Fee:
| $15-$45)
ADGRAD32.ZIP 31627 04-20-97 TAdrockGradient (32-bit) 2.00 allows you to
| provide a gradient fill like most setup
| programs have. You simply drop the component
| on a form or in a panel and set the Fill
| Color and Fill Direction if required. (Adrock
| Software) (Reg.Fee: $15)
ADGRID32.ZIP 24860 04-20-97 TAdrockSaveGrid (32-bit) 1.0 is a Delphi
| control that allows you to save the user view
| of a DBgrid. It will save the field size,
| position, and the visible state of the field.
| This allows the end user to resize or move
| fields and have the same view when they load
| the program again. (Adrock Software)
| (Reg.Fee: $15)
ADSFRM32.ZIP 36153 04-20-97 TAdrockSaveForm (32-bit) 1.30 allows you to
| save the size and position of a form. No
| coding is required, you simply set two
| properties and you are done. (Adrock
| Software) (Reg.Fee: $15)
AITKEN.ZIP 356901 05-13-97 Class Navigator 2 is a Delphi 2 support
| application which gives you the capability to
| quickly "drill down" through the various VCL
| classes to better understand what and where
| things are happening. (Straw Hat Farm)
| (Reg.Fee: $30)
BKUP102.ZIP 138503 08-12-97 Backup Expert 1.02 backs up the currently
| loaded project in Delphi. This is for Delphi
| 1.0x. (Jeroen van Rooij) (Reg.Fee: $0)
BORBTN2.ZIP 6103 07-18-97 BORBTNS 1.02 provides BWCC-style CheckBoxes
| and Radio Buttons for Delphi. (Wilhelm
| Braun-Boehm) (Reg.Fee: $0)
CAPCTRL.ZIP 92612 05-25-97 TCaptionControl is a Delphi component that
| can add a gradient caption bar, small buttons
| to the caption bar, control caption text
| direction and appearance and support for
| Middle-Eastern platform's special window
| styles. (Yorai Aminov) (Reg.Fee: $0)
CGN_D16S.ZIP 194815 05-29-97 Component Generator 1.00 is a simple but very
| effective tool to turn visually designed
| Delphi forms into TPanel based visual
| components. This is the 16-bit edition.
| (Gyorgy Szaszvarosi) (Reg.Fee: $42-$45)
CGRID32.ZIP 323282 05-25-97 TDBCrossGrid 1.0 is a data aware component
| for displaying the multi-dimensions cross
| fields result for each single datasource.
| Requires Delphi 2.0. (Kevin Liu) (Reg.Fee:
| $50)
COBUILD.ZIP 358802 04-30-97 Component Builder 2.31 allows you to describe
| properties, events, methods, etc, and
| automatically build the component unit source
| file. (John C. Taylor) (Reg.Fee: $20)
COLORBU2.ZIP 20397 04-23-97 Color Buttons 2.00 contains two button
| components which allow you to change button
| face color (and background glyph color) at
| design time and runtime. (Patrice Vigneron)
| (Reg.Fee: $12)
COLORBUT.ZIP 11494 03-21-97 ColorButton Component 3.0 is an enhanced
| button component for Delphi 2 that adds
| support for captions with multiple lines and
| fonts with 3D effects (Information
| Expressions) (Reg.Fee: $0)
COLORLST.ZIP 106420 08-28-97 TColourListBox 1.02 is a Delphi component
| that enables you to set a color for each item
| within a list box. (Stefan Wloch) (Reg.Fee:
| $0)
COMPCOLL.ZIP 56132 04-16-97 TComponentCollector 2.01 is a Delphi
| component that will collect all non-visual
| components and put them in a popup-menu,
| making more space available at design-time.
| Both 16- and 32-bit files are included.
| (Patrik Wang) (Reg.Fee: $19-$22)
CROSS32.ZIP 337104 05-25-97 TCrossTab (32-bit) 2.8 is a Delphi component
| which displays the cross table result for
| each single table or view of a database.
| Requires Delphi 2.0. (Kevin Liu) (Reg.Fee:
| $50)
CTLUPD.ZIP 11013 08-28-97 CTL Update 1.0 is a component that, called in
| the onCreate handler of an application's
| Mainform, checks for the presence of a
| younger EXE and then overwrites itself. This
| allows your clients to simply insert a floppy
| with an upgraded EXE and start the
| application. (John vd Waeter PC Applicaties)
| (Reg.Fee: $16)
CYBSTREX.ZIP 118177 04-30-97 Cyborg String Expert (16-bit) is a native
| Delphi Expert that hugely simplifies creating
| and maintaining string tables, resource files
| and files of access constants. (Boris Ingram)
| (Reg.Fee: $25)
DATALST.ZIP 110377 08-28-97 TDataListBox 1.0 is a Delphi component that
| provides a listbox which associates a numeric
| value (not visible to the user) with each
| item in a listbox. (Stefan Wloch) (Reg.Fee:
| $0)
DATASORC.ZIP 187608 07-14-97 DataSorcerer is a component that gives
| Delphi database programmers the much sought
| after feature of a Global Datasource. Both
| 16- and 32-bit versions are included. (Steve
| Flynn) (Reg.Fee: $20-$70)
DATCOMBO.ZIP 122979 08-28-97 TDataComboBox 1.0 is a Delphi component that
| provides a combobox that associates a numeric
| value (not visible to the user) with each
| item in a combobox. (Stefan Wloch) (Reg.Fee:
| $0)
DATEVAL.ZIP 300608 04-17-97 DateVal is the Pascal source code for a date
| and time validator for TurboVison-2.
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
DBCHKEVL.ZIP 123673 04-17-97 DBCheckBoxPlus is a replacement for the
| standard TDBCheckBox that is shipped with
| Delphi and C++ Builder with the small
| difference of being able to automatic place
| itself within a Borland or InfoPower DBGrid.
| (Softouch Development Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $19)
DBDESIGN.ZIP 144987 06-10-97 Visual Database Design 1.3 is a Delphi
| component that shows in design-time all
| connections between tables, the connection
| between table/query and datasource, and
| inscriptions of important table, query, and
| datasource properties. (Heiko D÷rner)
| (Reg.Fee: $20)
DBFLTCOM.ZIP 186610 07-14-97 DBFilterCombo 2.0 is a Delphi control that
| has the same look and feel as the standard
| DBLookupCombo, and it can lookup records and
| filter these records before adding them to
| the dropdown list. It can also automatically
| update the lookup table with new records.
| This version is limited to eight items in the
| dropdown list. Both 16- and 32-bit versions
| are included. (Steve Flynn) (Reg.Fee: $15)
DBFSTRU.ZIP 223187 04-17-97 DBFStru shows the structure of a DBF file,
| how many records, last update and more. (Tee
| Roper) (Reg.Fee: $0)
DBIMUS32.ZIP 60340 09-11-97 DBImport Wizard is a Delphi component that
| enables you to import any text file in a
| professional way. You can define formats
| using a wizard, choosing the type of file you
| want (variable, fixed, etc.), the fields you
| want, the ordering of the fields, the number
| of the fields to import, and many other
| settings. (LVDI Software) (Reg.Fee: $20)
DBLLST.ZIP 30585 05-13-97 DblListr (TA) allows the end user to make a
| selection from one list to another list.
| (Thierry Airault) (Reg.Fee: $10)
DBVEDIT.ZIP 387292 06-14-97 DBVldEdit 2.0 is an alternative for the
| Delphi DBEdit object that adds an OnValidate
| event to check data before leaving the field.
| (Sjef van der Velde) (Reg.Fee: $10)
DEDSPIN.ZIP 115484 08-21-97 TSpinDblEdit/TDBSpinDblEdit 1.5e are two
| components that cover all numerical
| entryfields in your Delphi application. Both
| 16- and 32-bit versions are included. (W.
| Braun) (Reg.Fee: $15-$30)
DELBARS.ZIP 162966 06-26-97 The Delphi CodeBar 1.0 is a popup toolbar
| application that augments the Delphi code
| edit window. You can highlight code in the
| code window and click buttons on the CodeBar
| to modify, store, or insert code into the
| code window. (SCV Systems) (Reg.Fee: $12)
DELPHSIM.ZIP 45231 03-17-97 DelphiSim 1.05 is a collection of components
| and objects that enables users of BorlandÆs
| Delphi 2 to create Discrete Event Simulation
| models in their Delphi Environment. This
| creates a flexible way of integrating object
| orientied simulation models in any
| application. (Roeland van der Spek) (Reg.Fee:
| $40)
DIR_SCAN.ZIP 8430 03-21-97 Dirscan provides a simple, component-based
| way for your Delphi program to search through
| a directory tree in order to look for file(s)
| which conform to a file name wildcard
| specification and a possible test of
| contents. (Donald L. Wallace) (Reg.Fee: $0)
DN970301.ZIP 200533 08-29-97 The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users #20
| is a newsletter for Delphi users, in Windows
| HLP format. (Robert Vivrette) (Reg.Fee: $0)
DOA.ZIP 104134 07-14-97 Direct Oracle Access 1.02 provides three
| Delphi components (TOracleSession,
| TOracleLogon and TOracleQuery) that allow you
| access an Oracle database directly, skipping
| the Borland Database Engine. (Allround
| Automations) (Reg.Fee: $89)
DTOOLS31.ZIP 419120 05-29-97 DTools 3.1 is a collection of more than 20
| components for Delphi. This includes balloon
| help, buttons, knobs, meters, and more. (Tim
| Noonan) (Reg.Fee: $50-$100)
EXEBTN.ZIP 238648 06-10-97 EXE-Buttons 3.0 permits you to call up other
| programs from your Delphi application with
| full control over the command line, working
| path and start-conditions of the program.
| Both 16- and 32-bit versions are included.
| (Heiko D÷rner) (Reg.Fee: $15)
EXIM12U.ZIP 225469 05-13-97 EXIM 1.2 contains two components which make
| it easy to importing and exporting formatted
| ASCII files in Delphi. Both 16- and 32-bit
| versions are included. (Colin Davies)
| (Reg.Fee: $40-$50)
EXPRESS.ZIP 16463 05-13-97 Service Express for Windows 2.0b contains a
| set of integrated tools to help manage your
| office. Tasks such as recurring billing,
| invoicing, service scheduling, customer
| profiles, inventory control, letter writing,
| collections, and much more are handled
| efficiently. This version has a 10-customer
| limit. (Z-Microsystems) (Reg.Fee: $199)
EXPREV10.ZIP 13957 06-27-97 Expression Evaluator 1.0 lets you quickly and
| easily add the evaluation of mathematical
| expressions to your Delphi applications. It
| supports 7 operators (including parenthesis),
| 10 mathematical functions, and an unlimited
| number of user-defined variables, and
| provides complete error handling support.
| Source code is included. (BitSoft
| Development, L.L.C.) (Reg.Fee: $0)
FASTFOUR.ZIP 17878 04-18-97 TFastFourier is a Delphi component
| representing the Fast Fourier Transformation
| for discrete quadratic approximation of
| periodic functions. (Cygron Research &
| Development,) (Reg.Fee: $19)
FCSW20.ZIP 119460 09-17-97 TFileCopy 2.0 is a Delphi component that can
| copy multiple files to a single directory.
| Several different methods for copying a file
| are provided, including Move and the ability
| to expand a compressed file. Both 16- and
| 32-bit versions are included. (Curtis A.
| White) (Reg.Fee: $15-$25)
FESFCTL.ZIP 64214 06-27-97 FESFileControls is a collection of
| Win95-style file controls for Delphi.
| (Matthew H. Toney) (Reg.Fee: $25)
FLYOVER.ZIP 37357 05-25-97 TFlyOverButton 1.3 is a button component that
| operates similar to the Internet Explorer
| buttons, including the cool drop-down popup
| menus. The button reacts to the mouse
| movement above it as well as clicks. This is
| very resource friendly, and works in Delphi 1
| and 2. (RealSoft Development) (Reg.Fee: $10)
GLASSIMG.ZIP 2695 03-30-97 TGlassImage is a transparent image control.
| It has one extra property, GlassColor, which
| defines the transparent color. (Richard
| Shotbolt) (Reg.Fee: $0)
HRPT3210.ZIP 664687 03-26-97 Html Report Component 1.0 provides an easy
| way to generate HyperText Markup Language
| reports in a Borland Delphi program.
| (Valdimaras Jonusas) (Reg.Fee: $0)
IDE16.ZIP 19828 07-17-97 IDEOnly (16-bit) 1.0 provides an effective
| technique for checking for the Delphi IDE in
| your component. This allows developers to use
| your component only while Delphi is running.
| (Applied Analytic Systems, Inc.) (Reg.Fee:
| $15)
IMGEDIT.ZIP 86886 09-11-97 Image-Edit 1.1 is a kind of Paintbrush-like
| component for Delphi with a toolbar and the
| possibility to create, open, save and print
| bitmap files. Both 16- and 32-bit versions
| are included. (Heiko D÷rner) (Reg.Fee: $15)
IMSD16.ZIP 283371 08-21-97 The Internet Mail Suite (16-bit) 1.6 is a
| collection of components which allows you to
| add Internet mail send-receive capabilities
| to your Delphi applications quickly and
| easily. (Artchil Gogava) (Reg.Fee: $69)
INIOUTSW.ZIP 57544 05-11-97 IniOut is a component property manager that
| can easily provide INI file and Registry
| support to your Delphi application with
| virtually no code and a very small runtime
| footprint. (Robert Vivrette) (Reg.Fee: $20)
INSPECT1.ZIP 65507 03-26-97 Object Inspector/Browser has most of the
| features of Delphi's Object Inspector, but is
| merged with a view of your application's
| object hierarchy. Clicking on any object in
| the left (Browser) pane will have all of the
| selected objects published properties
| displayed in the right (Inspector) pane. You
| can change any of the values in the
| Inspector's property list and see that
| property updated in real time on the object
| selected. (Adam Cutchin) (Reg.Fee: $40)
JP16CL11.ZIP 177694 05-21-97 JPEG Component Library 1.1 includes two
| non-visual Delphi components that provide
| compression and decompression of images to
| JPEG format. (MWA Software) (Reg.Fee: $20)
LPTGRD.ZIP 130119 06-25-97 LPTGrd/LPTBGrd 1.0 is a grid printing
| component for Delphi. This helps save a great
| deal of time by scaling the output to the
| target printing area. All layout parameters
| can be set at run time. Standard default
| settings permit a complete printout of the
| data with a single line of code. (Gerard
| Stoffels) (Reg.Fee: $?)
LT16_10.ZIP 546258 08-21-97 Lifetime Project Assistant (16-bit) 1.0 as a
| collection of tools to fill in some of the
| gaps in the Delphi RAD envrionment.
| (PierSoft) (Reg.Fee: $?)
LT16_101.ZIP 547218 09-09-97 Lifetime Project Assistant 1.01 allows Delphi
| developers to easily record and monitor the
| progress of bugs and enhancement requests
| within a project. A particular feature is the
| ability to flexibly group entries to
| facilitate work on them. (PierSoft) (Reg.Fee:
| $?)
MATHIMGE.ZIP 25805 07-18-97 MathImage 2.1 is a Delphi component that
| facilitates the display of mathematical
| objects. (Renate Schaaf) (Reg.Fee: $0)
MEGAPANL.ZIP 513020 07-14-97 MegaPanel 3.0 is a panel for Delphi that
| provides automatic labels, automatic
| Quicken-style labels, multi-line labels and
| captions, rotation of labels and captions, a
| variety of label and caption position and
| display options, label and caption background
| colors, and much more. Both 16- and 32-bit
| versions are included. (Steve Flynn)
| (Reg.Fee: $20)
MIRRPANL.ZIP 3380 03-31-97 TMirrorPanel 1.2 has all the properties of a
| TPanel plus the ability to show a bitmap and
| flip the text and image about the X and/or Y
| axis. This was written for an eyetest program
| where you look at a distant image of the
| computer screen reflected in a mirror, but it
| might have other uses. (Richard Shotbolt)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
MSGDRP10.ZIP 9442 06-27-97 MessageDlg Replacement 1.0 implements a
| replacement for Delphi's MessageDlg function,
| that uses a resource file instead of having
| the text hard-coded into the unit. This makes
| it very easy to translate the messages and
| use the MessageDlg functions within
| applications written in languages other than
| English. Source code is included. (BitSoft
| Development, L.L.C.) (Reg.Fee: $0)
MSGPANEL.ZIP 143305 08-21-97 MsgPanel 2.5 is a Delphi object that provides
| an alternative for the Messagebox. A demo is
| included. (Sjef van der Velde) (Reg.Fee: $10)
MULTLANG.ZIP 286322 04-17-97 Multi Language Component 1.21 helps you
| "internationalize" your Delphi applications
| without writing any additional code. This
| component will alter almost all properties
| that the object inspector can edit, and you
| can choose if you want your languages to be
| saved in the form or a file. (Patrik Wang)
| (Reg.Fee: $175-$500)
MXCD.ZIP 15597 02-27-97 MxCrypto 1.0 is a cryptographic component for
| Delphi 2. (Reg.Fee: $35)
NAVIGATE.ZIP 95897 03-31-97 Project Navigator 2.0 is an add-on tool for
| your Delphi16 IDE that monitors the current
| edit window and updates two lists. The upper
| list shows the sections in your program and
| the lower shows a list of your global and
| local routines. (Richard Shotbolt) (Reg.Fee:
| $0)
NNCOMP.ZIP 30705 04-18-97 TNeuralNetwork is a Delphi component
| representing a general feed forward neural
| network of an arbitrary size. The network can
| be taught using the back-propagation learning
| method. The component is also able to
| normalize and de-normalize the data from the
| internal representation, so the original data
| can be used instead of numbers between 0 and
| 1. (Cygron Research & Development,) (Reg.Fee:
| $29)
NWLIB.ZIP 398899 05-29-97 NWLib is a VCL for Delphi that contains over
| 50 Netware specific functions. This includes
| a Help file and a demonstration program to
| get you started. Both 16- and 32-bit versions
| are included. (Jim Tyson) (Reg.Fee: $65)
NWLIB16.ZIP 356341 08-18-97 NWLib (16-bit) is a VCL for Delphi that
| contains over 50 Netware specific functions.
| This includes a Help file and a demonstration
| program to get you started. (Jim Tyson)
| (Reg.Fee: $65)
OBJMAN.ZIP 304912 04-23-97 Object Manager 1.0 is a database tool for
| Delphi 2 that centralizes the management of
| the new objects and classes developed and
| creates the source code necessary to manage
| the new classes. (Simon Berridge) (Reg.Fee:
| $20 Pnds.)
OXBTNAX.ZIP 808428 07-25-97 oxButton ActiveX Control 1.0a is a push
| button control for Delphi that can include a
| bitmap on its button face. You can choose
| from predefined bitmap buttons styles or
| specify your own bitmap or icon for the
| button. (Brett Liddicoet) (Reg.Fee: $25)
OXDKB.ZIP 205996 04-17-97 oxDocBar for Delphi 1.2h provides a
| user-configured dockable floating ToolBar for
| Borland's Delphi. It allows the application
| developer to add any control to a sizable
| toolbar. Users can move OXDockBar by dragging
| the mouse to a new position. (Brett
| Liddicoet) (Reg.Fee: $19)
OXFORM1.ZIP 240510 07-22-97 oxForm for Delphi 3.0e provides your Delphi
| applications with 3D form effects and
| gradient captions. (Brett Liddicoet)
| (Reg.Fee: $19)
P2HTM22.ZIP 422261 06-21-97 Pas2HTML 2.2 translates Delphi Pascal source
| files into HTML format with Borland Delphi
| compatible syntax highlighting. This makes it
| very easy to publish source code on the Web
| in a clear way. (Pieter Polak) (Reg.Fee: $22)
PBMPED.ZIP 32100 04-16-97 pBmpEd 1.0 is a bitmap editor for Delphi
| which displays the bitmap as a glyph and
| allows you to load the bitmap straight from
| the clipboard. (Peter Balch) (Reg.Fee: $20)
POPUPBOX.ZIP 298070 05-18-97 Popup-Box Component 3.15 is a replacement
| component for the Delphi ComboBox. (Jan M.
| Strube) (Reg.Fee: $19-$38)
PRTSU1.ZIP 1363465 04-13-97 CBSuite 5.36 consists of five powerful Delphi
| component modules brought together in a
| single suite. This includes CBPrint - for
| printing forms and windows; CBReport - for
| printing reports, files and memos; CBSort -
| an enhanced TDBGrid which allows for
| automatic sorting by clicking on the headers;
| CBGraph - a group of components for
| generating, viewing and printing various
| graphs; and CBBands - which enables you to
| print reports and/or forms. (Calitz Bros.)
| (Reg.Fee: $150)
PTOOL15.ZIP 204794 04-30-97 Panter Tools 1.50 is a set of components and
| experts that aid in the design of an
| application without the need for coding.
| (Waheed Al-Sayer) (Reg.Fee: $70)
PX7TBL.ZIP 5030 03-21-97 Px7Table is a TTable descendant with an
| added method to make use of the new Pdox7
| descending indices. With this type of index,
| you can determine the sortorder for every
| single field in the index. (Reinhard Kalinke)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
PZAZZDEM.ZIP 403108 07-21-97 Pzazz! 2.3 contains the following six
| components for Delphi: TPZLabel, TPZShaded,
| TPZBitmapButton, TPZSpeedButton, TPZListView
| and TPZTreeView. A demo is included. Both 16-
| and 32-bit versions are provided. (Adrian
| Youlden) (Reg.Fee: $49)
RDX.ZIP 263330 06-19-97 RenderDX allows you to drop a complete 3D
| engine (similar to Hexen, Dark Forces, etc.)
| directly onto your form in Delphi 2 and 3.
| (Eldermage Entertainment) (Reg.Fee: $195)
REGDLL32.ZIP 443372 07-21-97 RTRegCtl (32-bit) 2.00 is a library unit for
| Delphi which contains functions to protect
| shareware programs against unauthorized use
| by letting you authorize them with a unique
| registration key. (Tomasz Stanczak) (Reg.Fee:
| $39+)
REGWSE16.ZIP 321056 07-21-97 RTRegCtl 2.00 is a library unit for Delphi
| which contains functions to protect shareware
| programs against unauthorized use by letting
| you authorize them with a unique registration
| key. (Tomasz Stanczak) (Reg.Fee: $39+)
RGCODE86.ZIP 18821 02-27-97 RegCode (DC) 8.6 is an easy to use shareware
| registration unit. (Dale Curtis) (Reg.Fee:
| $10)
RSCHECK.ZIP 13514 05-21-97 TrsSuperCheck is a new control designed to
| replace standard Windows checkboxes and
| radiobuttons. (RealSoft Development)
| (Reg.Fee: $25)
RSEDIT.ZIP 29474 05-21-97 TrsSuperEdit is a multipurpose masked edit
| control that includes special handling for
| text, real, integer, dollar, percent, date,
| time, phone and more. The numeric values can
| be right justified, even while editing.
| (RealSoft Development) (Reg.Fee: $25)
RSFLYOVR.ZIP 17766 05-21-97 TrsFlyoverButton is a Windows 97 style
| button that is activated when the mouse is
| passed over it. By adding different glyphs,
| the button can appear to "light up" as the
| mouse cursor flies over the component.
| (RealSoft Development) (Reg.Fee: $25)
RSFORMCS.ZIP 137842 05-21-97 Component Swapper aids programmers in
| switching numerous components on a form.
| (RealSoft Development) (Reg.Fee: $?)
RSFORMG.ZIP 12997 05-21-97 TrsFormGrow is a Delphi component that can
| automatically resize components as the size
| of your form changes due to screen resolution
| or maximizing. (RealSoft Development)
| (Reg.Fee: $25)
RSFORMP.ZIP 174643 05-21-97 Form Parser handles the tedium of
| hand-coding in Delphi. Each line of the
| Delphi Form File is interpreted and added to
| a Delphi Unit. You can retain a normal Form
| file outside of your project, and the entire
| form can be converted into a Form Class that
| can be included into your unit. (RealSoft
| Development) (Reg.Fee: $25)
RSLISTBX.ZIP 32592 05-21-97 TrsListBox is an enhanced version of the
| standard Windows listbox. (RealSoft
| Development) (Reg.Fee: $25)
RSSHWARE.ZIP 23453 05-21-97 TrsShareware is a component designed to
| allow you to easily convert your Delphi
| project or custom component into a trial
| version for distribution. (RealSoft
| Development) (Reg.Fee: $25)
RSTABSET.ZIP 16323 05-21-97 TrsTabset is a new tab component similar to
| a Win95 TabControl. (RealSoft Development)
| (Reg.Fee: $25)
RTCLIP.ZIP 411937 05-16-97 RT Clipboard + 1.00 tracks clipboard
| operations under Delphi and stores copied
| blocks in its own history buffer. You can
| then insert a chosen block into your source
| code from the history list. The last five
| blocks can be pasted with a user-defined
| shortcut. (Tomasz Stanczak) (Reg.Fee: $19)
RTIDE.ZIP 805810 03-27-97 RT IDE+ is a set of four tools for the
| Borland IDE. RT Clipboard extends the
| standard Windows Clipboard with a history
| buffer. RTMenu helps you redefine shortcuts
| of the whole Delphi IDE menu, without
| affecting your preferred editor keymapping.
| RTSearch lets you browse Object Pascal
| entities, like functions, procedures,
| methods, etc. with a single key press, see
| all occurrences of any search text at once,
| and jump directly to any chosen place within
| the source code editor. RT SourceSpell
| auto-corrects typing errors much the way like
| MS Word AutoCorrect function does, except
| that it is uses spelling algorithms that are
| better suited for programming languages.
| (Tomasz Stanczak) (Reg.Fee: $79)
RTMENU.ZIP 365197 05-16-97 RTMenu+ 1.10 helps you redefine shortcuts of
| the whole Delphi IDE menu, without affecting
| your preferred editor keymapping. You can
| assign whatever shortcut you want to any of
| Delphi IDE menu item, even if it hasn't had
| any before. (Tomasz Stanczak) (Reg.Fee: $19)
RTSEARCH.ZIP 434837 05-16-97 RT Search + 1.10 allows you to browse Object
| Pascal entities such as functions,
| procedures, methods, etc. (Tomasz Stanczak)
| (Reg.Fee: $39)
RTSPELL.ZIP 385247 05-16-97 RT SourceSpell + 1.10 spell checks words in
| your Delphi source code as you type them.
| (Tomasz Stanczak) (Reg.Fee: $19)
SDATEED.ZIP 127740 08-21-97 TSpinDateEdit/TDBSpinDateEdit 1.5E contains
| two components that cover all date
| entryfields in your Delphi application. Both
| 16- and 32-bit versions are included. (W.
| Braun) (Reg.Fee: $20)
SHARE32.ZIP 21236 04-17-97 TShareWare 2.1 is a custom Delphi component
| that allows you to control usage of your
| application by unregistered users. By
| dropping this component onto your project and
| adding a few lines of code, you can start
| distributing "crippled" versions of your
| programs, and hopefully receive many
| registrations. A demo is included. Both 16-
| and 32-bit versions are included. (RealSoft
| Development) (Reg.Fee: $20)
SKACMS10.ZIP 814438 03-17-97 SoundKit ACM 1.0 is a suite of Delphi 2
| components that implement a number of
| services to enable the decoding,
| decompression, compression and encoding of
| Wave File Data. (Rosetta MileStone Limited)
| (Reg.Fee: $60)
SLR16.ZIP 83792 04-17-97 SLRegress Components (16-bit) 1.01 contains
| all the mathematics required for modeling
| data from tables in which a relationship
| between the data in two datafields is
| suspected. In addition to the mathematical
| formulas contained in the SLRQuery and
| SLRTable components, each of these components
| possess all of the functionality, methods,
| events, and properties of the Query (TQuery)
| and Table (TTable) components repectively.
| The user only needs to identify the name of
| the datafields to use as the control variable
| and the response variable. Once the dataset
| is active, the user can instruct the
| component to perform the regression. (Applied
| Analytic Systems, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $79)
SLR32.ZIP 74357 03-13-97 SLRegress Components (32-bit) contains all
| the mathematics required for modeling data
| from tables in which a relationship between
| the data in two datafields is suspected. In
| addition to the mathematical formulas
| contained in the SLRQuery and SLRTable
| components, each of these components possess
| all of the functionality, methods, events,
| and properties of the Query (TQuery) and
| Table (TTable) components repectively. The
| user only needs to identify the name of the
| datafields to use as the control variable and
| the response variable. Once the dataset is
| active, the user can instruct the component
| to perform the regression. (Applied Analytic
| Systems, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $79)
SNKD3100.ZIP 1674424 06-13-97 Snorkel D3 1.00 consists of several
| integrated forms to provide powerful
| navigation and editing of Delphi projects. It
| is available as both a standalone application
| and a Delphi expert. Requires Delphi 3.0.
| (Object Domain Systems Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $150)
SPIDR200.ZIP 379144 06-25-97 Spider Containers 2.00 are a set of generic
| type-safe container classes for Borland's
| Object Pascal language found in versions 1
| and 2 of Delphi (Interval Software) (Reg.Fee:
| $15)
SPLIT09B.ZIP 105717 06-21-97 TPaneSplit 0.9b implements a standard pane
| split component in Delphi 2. It also allows
| the designer (or user) to change the
| orientation of the panels, flip the panels,
| and zoom in and back out on either panel.
| This is completely customizable and easy to
| use. (Michael Novak) (Reg.Fee: $15-$20)
SQLBLDD1.ZIP 181831 05-19-97 TSQLBuilder 1.50 is a Delphi component that
| generates multi-table SQL queries for local
| SQL. (Jeffrey Cooke) (Reg.Fee: $55)
SS0002U.ZIP 20193 04-17-97 HiEdit DCU demonstratea a simple use of
| inheritance, overriding existing properties
| and adding a few new ones. Both 16- and
| 32-bit versions are included. (Skylark
| Software) (Reg.Fee: $0)
STYLESB.ZIP 5885 08-13-97 TStyleSpeedButton 2.01 is a Delphi component
| that makes it possible to choose between
| several different styles of SpeedButton. Both
| 16- and 32-bit versions are included. (Harald
| Fischer) (Reg.Fee: $0)
TABLEUP.ZIP 12779 08-15-97 Table Structure Upgrader for Delphi 2 1.1 is
| a unit that allows you to change the
| structure of a Paradox table remotely on a
| client's PC. It will add any additional
| fields and change the length of string fields
| as required. (Brad Evans) (Reg.Fee: $20)
TBAG32.ZIP 291986 04-19-97 TBag32 is a Delphi component that simplifies
| saving/restoring user options to and from the
| Win95/NT registry. (Mike Orriss) (Reg.Fee: $?)
TBARCO16.ZIP 114236 04-30-97 TBarcode (16-bit) 2.91 is a Delphi component
| that assists in the development of high
| quality barcode applications. You simply add
| the TBarcode class to the VCL, drag a
| TBarcode object into a form and print it to
| any windows printer. This supports UPC-A,
| UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, CODE39 or Code 2/5
| interleaved barcode types. (Juergen
| Schlottke) (Reg.Fee: $106)
TBL2HTML.ZIP 10041 02-27-97 tbl2HTML 1.0 creates an HTML 3.0 table from a
| TTable. (Cal. Evans) (Reg.Fee: $10)
TDICE.ZIP 12411 09-11-97 TDice 1.0 is a 3D-dice component for Delphi
| 2. (Reg.Fee: $0)
TDPANEL.ZIP 21543 03-21-97 TDropPanel allows files external to the
| program to be dragged and dropped on the
| panel. An event, OnDropFiles, captures the
| list of path names of the files being
| dropped. Both 16- and 32-bit versions are
| included. (Mark Bratcher) (Reg.Fee: $0)
TEDITBOX.ZIP 26192 05-21-97 TEditBox 1.0 is an edit control for Delphi
| that features left/center/right alignment,
| changing colors, and more. Both 16- and
| 32-bit versions are included. (Ralf Neumann)
| (Reg.Fee: $15-$25)
THOTSPOT.ZIP 3220 03-30-97 THotSpot is a transparent box which you can
| drop on an image or any other visual
| component. This box can receive mouse events
| so that you can tell when the cursor is over
| the hotspot. You can put a box of any colour
| around it and have it flash if desired.
| Unlike a TShape, this box is drawn as four
| thin rectangles; this avoids invalidating the
| inside of the hotspot, and stops annoying
| bits of background flickering at you.
| (Richard Shotbolt) (Reg.Fee: $0)
TLED.ZIP 17729 05-13-97 TLED is a Delphi component that emulates a
| LED, and can be dropped onto a form (or
| container component) to provide a visual on
| or off indication of any Boolean variable.
| Both 16- and 32-bit versions are included.
| (Gary Bradley Hardman) (Reg.Fee: $0)
TSERIAL2.ZIP 27238 04-04-97 TSerial2 provides a way of accessing PC
| serial ports from a Delphi 2 32-bit
| application without having to directly use
| the Win32 API functions. (R. J. Crowther)
| (Reg.Fee: $17)
TSTRETCH.ZIP 52185 06-07-97 TStretchPanel 1.04 is a Delphi component
| which resizes any control placed on it. This
| version works in design mode only. Both 16-
| and 32-bit versions are included. (Beond
| Technology Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $26)
TU.ZIP 244397 06-10-97 TTUtility provides Delphi/Paradox developers
| an easy to implement tool for validating and
| fixing corrupt Paradox tables from inside
| delivered applications. The TUtility DLL on
| which this component is based will work on
| Paradox tables up to and including level 5
| tables. (Out & About Productions) (Reg.Fee:
| $49-$89)
TURBOS3.ZIP 264613 07-14-97 TurboSprite 3.0 is a Delphi unit for the
| creation and management of sprites. Demos are
| included. (Dion K. Kurczak) (Reg.Fee: $75)
UBK1632.ZIP 344527 06-30-97 UBackup 2.99 is a Delphi component that
| allows your application to backup data with
| only a few lines of code. Both 16- and 32-bit
| versions are included. (Arnold Ude) (Reg.Fee:
| $50)
VCLUZ11.ZIP 137273 05-09-97 TVCLUnZip 1.1 allows you to add UNZIP
| capabilities to your Delphi application. It
| it is written in 100% Delphi Object Pascal
| code, so there are no DLL's to tote around.
| Both 16- and 32-bit versions are included.
| (Kevin L. Boylan) (Reg.Fee: $15)
WAP1D_DE.ZIP 257524 05-21-97 Wapapi is a development tool that lets your
| Delphi or PowerBuilder programs become Web
| Servers. You can create a dynamic web site,
| create dynamic web pages, and leverage your
| other development tools by allowing web
| access. (Michael Gardner) (ASP) (Reg.Fee:
| $185)
XSPELL.ZIP 528504 05-13-97 XSpell uses the EDSSpell checking VCL to
| spell check your Delphi source code including
| strings, labels, buttons, menu items,
| captions, even form files. If you like, it
| will even check your programming comments,
| all from within the Delphi IDE. (Ed
| Salgado) (Reg.Fee: $29)
ZCC10120.ZIP 348035 09-25-97 ZieglerCollection one 1.20 is a collection of
| components for both 16- and 32-bit versions
| of Delphi. This includes labels and listbox
| components, graphics routines, clock/gauge
| components, and more (ZieglerSoft) (Reg.Fee:
| $52-$73)
ZCOMM.ZIP 71517 07-15-97 ZComm Component is a Delphi component that
| will allow access to serial ports from a
| high-level component interface. (ZBuilder
| Software) (Reg.Fee: $53)